Family Autumn Printables Bundle

Autumn approaching?
Fall coming?
New school year on its way?

Autumn/Fall is a favourite season for many of us. Chillier days mean a return of comfy knits and warming fires, while nature walks become a stunning sea of golden colours.

For a large part of the world, this is also when the new school year starts, bringing with it promises of fresh starts, new opportunities and (of course) lovely stationery.

But Autumn also sees a return to busy schedules, new routines and frantic juggling!

Is this your autumn?

* You're delighted your kids are back at school, but your day has to run like clockwork to get everyone there on time

* You love the extra-curricular opportunities open to your child, but aren't quite sure how mealtimes are going to fit in

* You want to explore nature with your family, but some days are just too wet, and you need to entertain everyone indoors

* You have limited options of places to go and things to do with your baby or toddler, now that the weather is turning  

* Everyone's emotions are running high, meltdowns are commonplace, and you just want a bit of peace!

But what if you had tried-and-tested systems of organisation?

What if you had a plethora of fun activities to keep everyone entertained on wet days?

And what if, through the crazy business of this season, you could actually draw your family closer to God too?

Introducing the

Family Autumn Printables Bundle

10 resources designed to make life EASIER for you this Autumn/Fall!

(lifetime access)

"Just want to say that your Autumn printables are amazing! My kids are now 19, 16 and 15 but I really wish I had had this stuff when they were younger - it's such a great resource!!"


"We are enjoying using the thank you letter templates right now. My lucky daughter has 20 thank you letters to write so she was very glad that a big chunk of the writing was done for her!"

The Family Autumn Printables Bundle is a collection of ten digital resources you won't want to be without this Autumn.

They're hosted on a permanent platform, so you have lifetime access. No more wondering where you saved them or whether you accidentally deleted them - they're right here, whenever you need them.

All you do is download, print and run!

Here's what you get:


An invaluable resource to help your young child recognise how they're feeling through a choice of 12 emotion cards, a poster to stick them to, and a helpful poster of ideas as to what you can do when you're feeling certain emotions.


Especially good for children with additional needs or early-life trauma, but in reality good for ALL kids as they get back into term-time routines and habits, this resource comprises morning, after-school, evening AND daily routine sheets, with over 60 common activities to cut out and add and blanks to create your own. 


Every family needs this poster displayed prominently in their home through the Autumn! Featuring creative, active, thoughtful and helpful activities to suit all children and all moods, it will get you all out of any rainy day slump!


Organising your family's goings-on, work schedules, nursery hours, school runs and extra-curricular is a full-time job! These monthly brain dump templates will ensure you don't forget anything coming up over the next few weeks and are a perfect place to get fully prepped for the coming month. Why not laminate it for ease?


It can be hard to know how to start reading the Actual Bible with your kids, but this 30-day resource makes life easy, with Colossians broken down into short chunks, perfect for meal times! Also included are memory verse templates and a simplified version of Colossians for toddlers and preschoolers!


Featuring workable ideas which also take your family out of its comfort zone, this resource includes bucket lists for younger families (babies/toddlers), outdoors, in the home, 'culture vulture' and even 'faith adventure'! Why not choose a different one each Autumn?


Every kitchen needs this resource!! We parents can spend a lot of time wondering what to cook for dinner, or planning a weekly menu, but this printable makes life easy. It's an at-a-glance list of over 90 meals you can make with different meats and fish - there are also plenty of vegetarian options, ideas for low-carb substitutes, salad ingredients and sandwich fillings. Plus templates for meal planning and shopping!


Want to read your child a particular Bible story but can't remember where it is? Trying to think of an encouraging verse to write in card to a friend having a hard time? Struggle no more - this 'Where do I find it?' cheatsheet lists all the main OT stories, famous Psalms,  events in Jesus' life, healings, parables and much more!


Encourage the gift of gratitude in your kids by helping them write thank you letters. This resource features 15 appealing templates - 5 highly-scaffolded, 5 lined, and 5 plain. This resource grows your child's writing confidence!


OK it never feels like it at the time, but the years DO pass quickly, and we can easily forget how our kids have changed and grown. Get them to complete (or complete on their behalf) these questionnaires at the start of each school year, and you'll have a beautiful record of memories to look back on.


Don't worry - included in your bundle is a helpful video, walking through each resource and how you could make best use of it.

 And remember - with lifetime access, you don't need to use everything this Autumn! Why not pick 2-3 resources which will bless your family this year? As your family grows, you'll find yourself using different resources in the bundle in future years!

"I used the starting school printable from the Summer Bundle with my little boy this week. We had a really lovely time talking about school. His worries (how loud the hand dryer will be) and writing a card to his new teacher. Thank you for putting them together."


(lifetime access)

"Packing lists from the Summer Bundle have meant that my husband has packed all his and the kids' things and I know we haven't forgotten anything. It's the most chilled-out the night before a holiday I've ever been! Which meant we could watch Lego Masters - 6 year old loves it!

Car bingo was an absolute dream! 6 year old was so into it she almost burst when she got a full house with a stop sign! Kept her and the 2.5yr old distracted from wanting more snacks on a very long journey!"



Me - Lucy! I'm a mum of four primary-aged children, a former teacher, and now blogger at The Hope-Filled Family.

As a mum, I know what WORKS for busy households over the summer. As a former teacher, I know how to create resources which are child-centred, clear and practical. And as a blogger, I have an insight into the joys and challenges of many, many families.

It's a privilege to put all this information and experience into the Autumn Printables Bundle.

Simply click any of the 'Buy Now!' buttons on this page.

Instantly! This is a DIGITAL product, so you don't have to wait for the mail! As soon as you've paid, you will be given the chance to download the bundle. If you miss that, an email will be sent to you with download details.

Simply get in touch with me

The simple answer is no. I've deliberately priced this super-low to make it accessible to as many families as possible. If you share it around, I lose income, which ultimately means I have to increase the cost of this bundle, or pull it altogether. Please don't make me do that!!

However, if you want to use the memory verses from the Anytime Devo with your Sunday School class, or use the Emotions Tracker in your nursery or classroom - that is ABSOLUTELY FINE.

The question is whether YOU are using the resources with other children (fine) or whether you are giving the resources to OTHER ADULTS to use with their children (not fine). If in doubt, email me at!

Because this is a low-priced digital product, sadly I cannot offer a refund. After all, you cannot return a digital product like you can return a physical product!

However, I'm a kind person - if you feel the bundle has not lived up to your expectations, or has been mis-sold in any way, then please get in touch with me at, and we'll see if we can make things better for you.

(lifetime access)

"Thank you for the gratitude diary in the Summer Bundle. Was really insightful and encouraging in the first week of the holidays. My son gave some beautiful (and crazy!) answers to the questions (and so did Daddy!)"


Lucy Rycroft

Your facilitator is Lucy Rycroft, founder of The Hope-Filled Family, a resource for faith, family life and adoption. She's a mum of four kids (aged 7-12) and genuinely understands the battle for time with God! In a past life, Lucy was a secondary Music teacher and PGCE lecturer, but now spends her time equipping and encouraging Christian families through the blog, Friday night emails, Instagram and printables and courses such as this one.

Family Autumn Printables Bundle


  • 10 resources to make your life EASIER this Autumn/Fall!

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